Custom Home Pricing Resources

There are several considerations that go into financing a home. That's why we've developed a home Financing Guide to help you get started. Still want to know more information? Check out the other resources below -- such as our Ultimate Homeowner Toolkit--- below to learn more.

Financing Your Custom-Built Home

Building a custom home is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make. And there are many different avenues to finance its construction. 

We understand that you probably have plenty of questions -- even if this isn’t your first time stepping into homeownership. You may be wondering: 

  • How do you finance new home construction?
  • What type of loans are available to you?
  • What does the financing process timeline look like?
  • Do you have to sell your current home before beginning construction?

To help you better wrap your arms around home financing, we’ve created a guide that dives into the world of new home construction loans. Click on the image below to download your copy: 


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Dig into what else it takes to make a custom home a reality with our other resources: 

On the fence about building a custom home? Having trouble picking a building style that meets all your needs?

Our team of experts are here to help you quickly decide what’s best for you!  Fill out our custom home profile to receive a free assessment to determine if building a custom home with Barden is your best option.

Get My FREE Assessment 

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